Senate Beat Gets A Surprise

The Senate Public audience this week was joined by a tall, red, artsy chair. Despite possessing an air of brash curiosity, it sat quietly through the meeting, keeping its thoughts to itself. Senate Public also saw discussion of how the Senate website may replace SB Info, reports on Spring-Fall, and the resignation of Senator Andrew Sakahara ‘27.

President Andee Gude ‘26 announced that the Renn Fayre Czars had a meeting with the Harm and Safety Committee in anticipation of Spring/Fall, and announced that Vice President Jefferson Ratliff ‘25 will be meeting with Dean of Faculty Kathy Oleson and Reed College President Audrey Bilger and that Senate representatives are trying to communicate to students’ “worries” about recent emails from the President’s Office on “reminders of our community values.”.

Head Treasurer Lucy Knight-King ‘25 announced minor funding to the Reed Football Club to “account for an error in van mileage rate” and said that the Renn Fayre Czars “seemed well prepared” for Spring/Fall. Assistant Treasurer Yuri Garcia ‘27 mentioned that she has been working on the transition to the new Senate webmaster. President Gude added that they want the website to “restore how we communicate with the student body.” President Gude announced that Senate will use the website to distribute SB info, announcements from the Appointments Committee, Treasury contact info, and Thesis Karma. “It has just been an underutilized thing that we have a website, we want it to be useful in this era as we try and figure out how to communicate effectively while maintaining our autonomy,” Gude said. 

Senator Sakahara announced that some of the affinities missing in the Sports Center – including a toilet, lockers, and shower dividers – may receive temporary fixes over winter break.

Senator Lina Eid ‘26 reminded students that they are “welcome and encouraged to submit recipes or recipe suggestions” to Commons via email. Senator Catherine Hoyle ‘25 added that they highly encourage students to use eco-containers, especially when getting pizza, for which disposable containers are currently used more often than for any other food item.

Senator Hoyle also announced that the Community Accessibility Resources and Disability Services (CARDS) closet key has been found, and students, faculty, and club signators can email CARDS for access.

Vice President Jefferson Ratliff ‘25 then announced that he “will be starting communication with the Registrar to see if transfer students can register through the same window as international students.” 

Appointments Committee Co-Chair Lindsay Worrell ‘25 nominated Nicole Chan ‘25, Kes Vounzi ‘25, and Cora MacMillan ‘27 to serve on J-Board.

Ending the meeting, Senator Sakahara rose, surprising this Quest reporter, and many senators, to deliver his resignation. Senate Public occurs weekly on Mondays in the Student Union (SU) at 4:00 pm.

Senate BeatEli Ashcroft